Wednesday 9 March 2016

A Brief Introduction - Who am I and why am I Blogging?

If you're reading this, then hello and welcome to my life.

I live in a house of little men. I have three boys who keep me on my toes. I love them to bits but there are definitely times when they drive me up the wall. My eldest is 6, my middle son is 4 and my youngest is 17 months.

My husband is in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) and is currently on a four month deployment. This in itself brings its own challenges and I think I will probably post about lone parenting separately.

A few months ago I made the difficult decision to give up my job and become a stay at home mum to my boys. The challenges of juggling a family, a job, a relationship and the cost of childcare meant that something had to give. I stopped work at Christmas and I know that this was the right decision for me.

So that is where I am, facing a new chapter of my life and loving (almost) every minute of it.